A point in time survey is like taking a picture of a demographic or specific population to determine aggregate numbers - which becomes a data picture.
In a recent point in time survey, a 'picture' was taken at intake, of Lucas County inmates in regional jails or prisons. The survey netted the following information:
Age at first arrest 16
Age at first conviction 19
Age of first violent offence arrest 19
Percentage of those on probation or parole at time of arrest 42.8%
Percentage of those surveyed who had a juvenile record 64.5%
The survey goes on to point out that 75.4% are single, 46.6% do not have a High School Diploma, 51.9% are unemployed, 15.0% experienced physical or sexual abuse as a child, 57.2% have received no substance abuse treatment, 29.4% were high on drugs, alcohol or both at the time of their arrest.
And for those of you who are interested, 58.7% of the inmates surveyed at intake, were African American and 87.0% were males.
For a few years now, I've been talking along with many esteemed and concerned people in our communities about the need to reach parents - above all else. Whether we like it or not, parents are the headwaters of the stream flowing through the tributaries of our neighborhoods.
This stream now flows red from the dashed hopes and futures of two generations.
Here's today's question: If you were a chopper, not a hacker [ 3.13.09] and your intended goal was to effect change in the above percentages or ages - where would you start?
By the way, the average age of the person surveyed at the time of intake was 32. When asked where they were living at the time of their arrest - 30.8% were at home living with their parents.
It's not complicated, it's just complex,