This is the Sparrow's Nest. This is one of our 24/7 facilities where we serve women who come to us at all hours of the day for help. Avis Files is our Director of the Sparrow's Nest.
Did you know the Cherry Street Mission Ministries has a 'No Wrong Door' philosophy? What that literally means is that you'll never hear us say; "I'm sorry, you've come to the wrong place." or "I'm sorry, we don't offer that here." The reality is, we serve all who come to us, because fundamentally we believe they have been sent by God for us to serve. It's not that we claim to do everything, in fact we don't - but who can.
If someone comes to one of our seven ministry sites, and needed a particular service we don't offer, we say; "Have a seat, while we connect you with the provider that will help you." In fact, there are several services we now offer simply because we have this philosophy of service.
The Sparrow's Nest is a 54 bed facility. The first floor is primarily used in service to those who are in emergency need or are candidates for our Ready For Life (RFL) Program. The second floor is used for the women in our RFL.
As a matter of fact, if you'll go back to the home page of our web site; and click of "The Voice of Compassion" you'll be able to read many stories of women and men who have been served Christ in a way that has transformed their lives.
If you are a supporter of our work - thank you. These many lives are changed because of your foresight and hope that transformation of the human condition is indeed possible.
Dan Rogers