Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mayor's Response

Dear Dan:

Thank you for communicating your position on the Domestic Partners Registry ordinance.

The issue of a Toledo-sponsored DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP REGISTRY is controversial on the surface.

As some may know, I am a very strong Christian believer. Strong enough since an early age, that in my 20's I visited the Episcopal Seminary of Virginia seeking entrance. Though I eventually chose not to enter the seminary, my religious faith and practice is deep.

While I do not endorse alternative lifestyles, I believe in minority rights, and champion diversity. Most importantly, America is all about protecting the individual rights of each citizen.

While I champion the sanctity of the traditional American family of husband, wife and children, I also have seen the love and trust and nurturing of some non-traditional relationships. There is no magic guarantee of life-long happiness in either case.

The Domestic Partnership Registry is not about endorsing alternative lifestyles. It is about legal and insurance protection being extended to those considered the partners of any insurance covered employee. And, in this country of tolerance, progressive companies, universities, and cities are extending insurance coverage to such partners.

I respect human beings making free personal decisions regarding their friendships and relationships. That should be their call - not mine.

I believe God blesses all men and women who love Him, and seek to live a life of loving their fellow man - even when you may not agree with that fellow man.

City Council passed this legislation with a vote of 10-2, after hearing public comment on this proposal.

Calls and e-mails to my office have been evenly spilt for and against. I would encourage both sides to take a step back, take a deep breath and cherish the true meaning of Thanksgiving to all who came and come to this country seeking freedom.

Yours from Toledo - a City of the Future!

Carty Finkbeiner

Mayor - you can't continue to have it both ways.

Dan Rogers

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