Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's not complicated

.... It's just complex.


Which one will you chose?

When you've chosen and when you're ready, please accept my invitation to have breakfast, lunch or dinner at one of our Food Service Centers with one or more of our guests - they'll be happy you did.

So will you.

See you soon,


Tracee said...


I like the new look!
I'll be down when I return at the end of August.

Angie said...

I like this idea...

mpr4christ said...

How about a lot more discipline at the Community Center? It is very rude and discouraging to any church group who cares enough to take an hour or so out of their free time to go there and minister to the homeless for the homeless to complain, talk, yes and even clean up DURING CHAPEL SERVICE! Since you took over in late 2001, they have been acting more and more disruptive and disrespectful toward the church groups. No wonder most of them quit going there! You need to put your foot down and start implementing stricter disciplinary measures for the ones who insist on behaving badly between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. Here are some ideas:

1. Anyone who complains or otherwise disrupts chapel service should be barred indefinitely from all CSM services until they are truly sorry for what they have done and have really repented of their actions.

2. Any staff member who allows such disruption should receive the same punishment. Otherwise they are allowing anti-Christian behavior to continue and thus are being counterproductive to the main cause of Christ: to seek and save that which is lost. It is written, "Expel the wicked man from among you." (Deuteronomy 17:7; 19:9; 21:21; 22:21, 24; 24:7 all NIV)

3. The above should also apply to those who insist on fighting and/or otherwise being disrespectful toward the staff and other clients at both buildings.

As a fellow believer, I encourage you to PLEASE implement at least one of these ideas. In 2001, such behavior was NEVER tolerated during chapel (people who behaved badly WERE barred for so many days; plus, in retrospect, it actually helped that they were limited to how long they could sleep at the Mission), and yet now it is? WHY?

You should not allow evil to penetrate the Mission and shut out Jesus Christ. If you've watched CBN News or listened to Christian news on the radio, then you already know the consequences that have taken place in our public schools, for example. Think about it.