Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Behavior of Salt

Salt is an interesting way to describe what God is looking for in you and me. Salt is good. But salt by itself or too much salt is not so good. Salt has this wonderful preservative interaction with whatever it touches.

The covenant of salt referred to in the Book of Leviticus talks not only to this preserving agent, but also the perpetuality of salt - so the salt covenant spoke of the perpetual, ongoing covenant being made by God through the sacrifice being offered by man.

Cultures of old rolled an infant in salt. While the salt had real benefits to the skin of a newborn in rough climates - there was also the parent saying of the child; my covenant to you is perpetual.

I like the word perpetual when it comes to describing this ongoing relationship I have with God. Perpetual lives beyond time and space. Perpetual exceeds the limited horizon of the next failure or success. Perpetual challenges the boundaries of the possible and explores the vast reaches of the probable.

For someone who should have been released long ago from the covenant I made with God on the grassy stadium floor on a cool summer's night in 1975 - I'm grateful from the depth of me for this word perpetual regarding the covenant made on that day.

God has truly been faithful to His word.

"You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
Matthew 5:13

Here's today's question: Are you salt or a salt shaker?

From time to time, people have referred to me as a 'mover and shaker'. To be honest, it sounds good. The whole idea of living in such a way that would have this kind of recognition was appealing. It was appealing right up until I realized the disappointment associated with the disconnect of not being His intended representation in any conversation.

The shaker was not my place [you'll have to decide whether it's yours] for many reasons, but only one that truly mattered - God didn't say I was the place of salt, or the movement of salt, or the holder of salt, he simply said I was the salt.

Would I represent His perpetual nature, through close contact and deep penetration toward those around me - like salt behaves.

God is the Mover and Shaker and as He said, I'm the salt freely dispensed and used at His will for His purpose to represent His perpetual covenant.

When it comes to the complex problems of our city and region I don't think we'll survive one more person standing up as a self proclaimed 'shaker'. We've had enough - or we should have by now.

Recently, I've been wondering how many days we [Soma; The Body of Christ] have between now and the day we truly become salt to the tasteless around us. How many days yet remain between our today decisions and the better decision to become the perpetual of God?

I hope not many. Humanity groans all around us - waiting.

A Runner

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