Friday, January 9, 2009

Because of you - lives are transformed

They spoke the Lord's word to the jailer and everyone in his home. At that hour of the night, the jailer washed Paul and Silas' wounds. The jailer and his entire family were baptized immediately.
Acts 16: 32,33

More than likely, you’re familiar with the above chapter and verse from the book of Acts. It’s the story of two friends, Paul and Silas being imprisoned for openly sharing their faith. While in prison they sang songs and praised God and the place where they were being held shook violently setting them free. The jailer, was so astonished Paul and Silas had not run away, decided to take them home.

The greatest thing for me in this account of Paul and Silas is that the whole jailer’s family experienced life transformation. All because two guys decided not to let their circumstances dictate their belief or their behavior.

To the hundreds of men, women and families arriving at one of our doors each day – you, our loving friends, are a lot like Paul and Silas. Despite the economic realities and the circumstances of your life – you give and have given your time, talent and treasure.

Because of you, lives are transformed - like Larry.

Larry is one of the men being served in our Ready For Life Program and is learning to read and write for the first time in his life - how? A volunteer! Someone just like you who decided to matter to someone who matters. Imagine the joy of Larry's son, who is fighting in Iraq, receiving a letter from his Dad recently - amazing!

I hope you will see God at work through your hands and heart as you continue to reach into the lives of the guests of Cherry Street Mission Ministries.

To volunteer you may contact Roz Goodwin at or call our main switchboard at 419-242-5141.

See you at the Mission,

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