Saturday, July 18, 2009

He's Still On Fire!

Exodus chapter 3 and 4.

I've always loved the behavior God exhibits in these two chapters. The rhythm of His watchful eye in chapter 3 verse 4 as well as the cadence and manner of His speech toward Moses give us attention to how loving and persistent He is.

As God was burning in the days of Moses, He burns yet today. It was the trouble of people He loved that caused Him to draw Moses' attention away from his daily routine. His people were in bondage, enslaved as a result of past generations, beaten, tormented and far from any hope or better future.

Sound familiar?

It should - this sounds like most people who are within arms distance from us any day of the week .. maybe even twice on Sunday.

Here's today's question: 'Where is God on fire in your life?'

As sure as you're breathing today, God is burning somewhere on your horizon. You know He's burning because there are people He loves who are yet enslaved, broken, beaten, forgotten, prisoners of their past - you remember, because you and I used to be one of them.

His burning will challenge your routine, just like it challenged Moses' routine that day.

Are you available?
Will you turn your feet in God's direction?
Will you be the one who takes one step forward?
Will you be the one 'out of line?'

I think you will.

A Runner

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